
Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture

Constitutional Cosmetic Acupuncture is a minimally invasive alternative to more interventional aesthetic techniques, such as Botox and plastic surgery. It helps to increase blood flow and oxygenation levels in the face. It also assists with the process of detoxification, which in turn can help prevent facial skin imbalances such as facial puffiness, dry or oily skin and stimulates fibroblast cells that lie within deeper layers of the skin. These fibroblast cells produce new collagen and elastin, which are the building blocks of the skin and which tend to decline with age.  

Javier, our cosmetic facial acupuncturist believes that an immaculate facial skin is a reflection of a balanced internal environment. This treatment combines individualised body acupuncture and herbal medicine aimed at treating underlying imbalances, as well as facial acupuncture aimed at giving the face more glow and a refreshed and revitalised appearance. Constitutional Cosmetic Acupuncture also works well in conjunction with other therapies that tend to limit muscle movement and lymph circulation.

Alongside the acupuncture component, this treatment also combines a variety of rejuvenation techniques, including facial guasha, infrared light, acupressure and an individualised facial mask, leaving you feeling and looking amazing after each treatment.

 Constitutional Cosmetic Acupuncture treatments may assist you with:

  • diffusion of fine lines and the smoothing of larger wrinkles

  • stimulation of collagen, elastin and muscle tone

  • refreshed and reduced eye bags and sagging skin

  • management of acne

  • improved metabolism

  • tightened pores and brighter eyes

  • increased blood flow and lymph circulation

  • improved evenness in facial skin colour.

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Chinese herbal medicine

Cupping and gua sha